Friday, April 15, 2011

My week in a nutshell, but I can't publish the biggie

Wow! I have been busy this past week! I discovered a MAJOR disaster at work which I can't really go into detail about on here, but luckily I caught it fixed it before it was an even bigger disaster. Mass mail-outs are not my friend... it def threw my week off track and and stressed me out. when I went in this morning I immediately had trouble concentrating. This continued throughout the day until I went and got myself a sugar free Red Bull. I think that caffeine stimulated my brain because tonight I have been able to focus extremely well.

The other day I came across my old resume. It was very outdated, so tonight I updated my resume and drafted some cover letter templates. I probably won't be applying for any jobs so soon, but its nice to have an updated resume on hand just in case. With the current economy, you just never know...granted I'm not in fear of losing my job, but its nice to have none the less.

Earlier this week, I was feeling pretty down and skipped my runs on Sunday and Tuesday. After the disaster at work on Tuesday, I probably should have gone for a run but I didn't. I did, however, go out for a drink with some girls from work which was a nice change. Then I came home and did some TRX to substitute...and boy did it make my legs super sore!!! Ran 4 miles on Wednesday and Thursday which also contributed to the soreness my legs are still feeling. Thankfully today was a rest day because I really needed the recovery before a long run tomorrow. I'm shooting for 6 miles!

As far as my eating is concerned, it has been pretty good, but far from perfect. Sunday I ate some ice cream with hot fudge. Wednesday I ate a huge piece of key lime pie from my favorite place across the street. Yesterday I had a huge cookie covered in frosting courtesy of our IRS SPEC, delicious. Today, thankfully was pretty good except for the 3 bit-size Milky Ways I snatched from a co-workers candy bowl ;)

Anyways, that;s my week in a nutshell. I'm definitely thankful for the weekend to be here even though its really only one day for me since I have to work at the "hospital" this weekend. I'm excited to see all my old co-workers and the patients especially. I miss them all so much!

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