Sunday, April 3, 2011

Don't ever try raw octopus!

For today's post I decided to go ahead and participate in MannLand5's Getting to Know You Here's today's questions and answers

1. do you weigh yourself? Very regularly, as in every morning. I never ever used to weigh myself and then I gained 20lbs. Now I've become obsessed....

2. what's the nastiest thing you've ever eaten? raw octopus...body and tentacles. it was was the most disgusting, chewy ball of slime ever!

3. snail mail or email? snail mail. most email i get is work related - ughhh - also known to ignore a lot of emails that i get. in college, i got in a bit of trouble with a professor because i rarely read email and frequently missed some important information. that was when i decided i had to get a blackberry so it would kind of be like texting - it helped but not 100%! i like getting cards and letters in the mail tho!

4. do you have any irrational fears...what are they? for some reason i hate going on balconies when i'm drink wine. always afraid of dropping my glass off the edge. this might have something to do with loving the sound of broken glass combined with a little social anxiety, idk. as i mention in a previous blog, i'm afraid of being outside in this town alone. absolutely horrified that someone will do a driveby while i'm out for a run (this actually happened to someone when i first moved here)!

5. do you play an instrument? I played the flute in high school. Its been about 8 years tho so dunno if i could pick it up again.

6. would you rather be bitten by a snake or attacked by a bear? bitten by a snake

7. do you ever go braless in public? rarely. i'm very uncomfortable at home when i dont have a bra on...

8. today i am thankful for........................? beautiful weather! getting ready to go on my long run that i skipped yesterday!


Sailor July said...

I can't even imagine eating raw octopus, so congrats to you for trying it!!! And drive by's scare the living hell out of me, even though I live in a safe city! Eeeek!

Shoshanah said...

I think it's so funny how many random answers we have in common. My weird food was octopus too, although I can't remember if I was raw or not. My fear has to do with being on a balcony, but more because I may accidentally fall off instead of dropping something. And I used to play the flute. It's a little amusing all the similarities, right?

Ashley Ann said...

I've eaten raw octopus a few times actually. The first time I actually liked it and the last two times have been terrible experiences. And my boyfriend just told me that when we go to our fave Japanese restaurant he's going to try jellyfish - which means I probably will too so I will lt ya'll know

Unknown said...

I don't even want to picture raw octopus . . . although I do love it fried.

I would be terrified of a drive by, too, if it happened in the town I live in!

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