Sunday, March 20, 2011

a sunny day with a large cloud...

A little over a year ago my dad had a heart attack and was in the hospital for weeks.  While he was sick, a good friend of his called our family regularly.  This friend also visited the hospital regularly and when dad was well he stayed in touch with our family and of course my dad.  I believe my dad considered this person to be one of his very good friends.  This very supportive friend passed away early this morning.  I don't have all the details but some say that he was supposedly drunk and was driving home and lost control of his truck, rolled, and well he didn't make it.  I called my dad, who had a heart transplant last month, to see how he was taking it and he sounded a little depressed.  He didn't seem to want to talk to me, particularly about his friend.  Who can blame him.  It was a person who had been very supportive of my dad and family the past year and could always bring a smile to someone's face.  I just want this person to know that his family is in my thoughts and prayers and I am so very appreciative of all the support that was given to my family over the past year.  God works in mysterious ways and we may never know what happened last night, but everything happens for a reason.

This also stands as a reminder to all of those out there that drink and drive.  DON'T DO IT!  You don't get better with experience either!

As some probably know, I ran my frist 5k in 5 years last weekend for St. Patricks day courtsesy of my employers.  Considering I didn't train, I have to say it went pretty well.  All in all it inspired me to continue running and now my goal is to run a 10k in May.  At this point, I haven't found one in the area that I am interested, but I'm sure something will come up in the next couple weeks.  Anyways, I skipped my last few training runs, including todays. So, tonight I decided to get out my Jillian Michael's dvds that I bought a couple weeks ago and haven't used yet.  I chose to use the 30 Day Shred video

I did level one of the video and it was too easy for me.  When the workout was over, it seemed as if i had just done a warmup so I guess that next time I'm gonna have to do level two.  I think I am going to do these videos in conjunction with with my 10k training.  Now I just have to have the motivation to get up in the mornings and make sure I run in the evenings or on my lunch hour.  I have a few fitness goals for the year.

1.  Lose 5lbs
2.  Cut out sweets
3.  Run a 10k in May
4.  Lose 10lbs
5.  Get into my size 4 jeans and be comfortable!
6.  Run a half marathon in July or August
7.  Run a marathon in November or December
8.  Eat clean and don't give into my boyfriends bad habits!

I have created a Daily Mile account.  Feel free to follow me!

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