Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A runner's pet peeve

I ran 5 miles this evening. Very slowly because my legs hurt but I still did it. Anyways, I always make it a point to smile and sometimes wave at other people when I meet them. I have noticed that if they are cycling or running as well they usually reciprocate.

However, I saw A LOT of people out tonight. Many of them were walkers. And even thought I was hurting I tried to smile at all of them. Most of them just glared at me. This really really bothered me, because I don't understand it. Isn't it some kind of social norm to smile or wave back at someone when they do it to you?

Ughh...makes me miss Iowa where nearly EVERYONE waves when you drive by!

Has anyone else encountered something like this?


Kerrie said...

Ugh. I hate that, too. I don't understand it. Doesn't stop me from waving, though. Although, sometimes I admit that when I'm on a long run, I sort of get in the zone and just forget to wave on occasion. I always feel bad, though. LOL.

PS: Thanks for the follow. :)

Ashley Ann said...

I do that too when I get in a zone. I also get really confused when people I don't know honk at me...I always look hoping I know them and I never do!

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