Hellow everyone out there!!! So today I had originally planned to get up at a decent time, complete my run, and then go into work for a few hours. Yeah...didn't happen. I slept til about 8:30 and when I got up to take Apollo outside, there was two police officers in the parking lot. Of course I asked what was going on. Apparently, someone had been urinating by our fence and one of my neighbors called the police. I took this opportunity to tell the officer about some suspicious neighbors.
They moved in a few months ago and look a little rough around the edges. This didn't bother me until I started running and walking the dog. There are always (strange) people coming and going from their condo. These people don't even park their cars...they pull over onto the side of the street, frequently leave the car running, go upstairs to go inside, and leave shortly after. The people that live there are almost always home and have their garage door as well as their front door open, which I don't understand. But I suspect there is someone making a drop. The more I pay attention, the more convinced I am that these people are drug dealers.
I told the officer all of that and he agreed that they were probably selling drugs. He also suggested that there could be some prostitution going on...apparently thats common around here? I think the female that lives there is the guys girlfriend so I doubt that. But I am convinced that they are selling drugs. Anyways, the officer said he would try to drive through her a little more often and see if her could pull off a traffic stop or something to get some info. Works for me.
Then Princess called from the airport. He was flying out of there today instead of the base and wanted me to bring him breakfast from McDonald's since he couldn't leave. I agreed to take it...I mean, its across the street and McDonald's is two blocks away. While I was ordering, I gave in and got myself a southern style chicken sandwich, knowing full well that it was a terrible idea. And yes, I ate that southern style chicken sandwich and came home to sit for a little bit.
So then I eventually made it on my run. I told myself that I needed to do a 15k practice today and I was actually going to do it. I got about 3/4 of a mile into the run and realized my phone, an HTC Evo, had fallen out of my pocket. Ughhh...I decided to run back towards home to find it and I didn't find it until I was about a block away from home...well that didn't take long. But I know I was lucky that no one had run the phone over and that it still worked. My mom always told me I shouldn't be allowed to have nice things! I learned my lesson and zipped my pocket this time. I headed back towards the airport and stopped at a convenience store around mile 3 for some H2O and a power bar for later. Instead of going all the way around the airport, thanks to my little detour, I decided to run down a road that goes behind the airport where there are frequently a lot of runners and cyclists. Its a lot more shady than the main road anyways, and at this point it was noon. I was hurting so I starting running abut 3 minutes and walking 30 seconds. This got me through the run and I ended up doing about 13.5k instead of 15k but it hurt. My feet and legs really hurt as well.
I decided it was time to get some new running shoes. I've been saying I need to for awhile now. But I finally got the fraud/identity theft situation fingered out as well as the situations with my crappy cell phone company, so Princess and I went down to the local running store and I got fitted for some shoes. It was hard for me to choose and I went back in forth a lot, but ended up buying the first pair that I tried on!
They are GT-2160s and very very comfortable!! Can't wait to have them broken in and go for my first run in them.
And my baby decided to put on a bra this morning. I don't know how but he managed to get each of his front lets into a strap. Except the cups were on his back...
And I don't care if the pic is too big. I *might* try to fix it later.
Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day. I think I might send my mom a grandma card just to mess with her...